Cane or not,
I participate
in class!

In Luxembourg, inclusive education is a priority. Discover the support measures available to pupils with special educational needs.

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A cane leaning against a classroom bench

Wheelchair or not,
I make
my presentation!

In Luxembourg, inclusive education is a priority. Discover the support measures available to pupils with special educational needs.

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An empty wheelchair, photographed in a classroom

Hearing aid or not,
I’m learning
to calculate!

In Luxembourg, inclusive education is a priority. Discover the support measures available to pupils with special educational needs.

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A hearing aid, photographed on a school desk in a classroom

Inclusive education

Adapted teaching, support for pupils with special educational needs, provision of specialist equipment: The objective of the Luxembourg education system is to take everyone’s diversity into account and to adapt the school to each pupil’s special educational needs. The aim is to enable pupils to continue their education within their primary or secondary school class, whenever inclusion is possible and desired by the pupil and his parents.

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Primary education

There are specific support measures available in primary schools. Development and learning workshops, in-class support, appropriate provisions are made and implemented.

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Secondary education

When secondary school pupils have special educational needs, various support measures may be offered to them: adapted teaching, reasonable accommodations and many others.

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Competence centres

The competence centres for specialised psycho-educational follow-up (centres de compétences en psychopédagogie spécialisée) are aimed at pupils with special educational needs and their parents who would like to benefit from services in addition to those offered by the school.

Centre de logopédie (CL)

Centre for the development of vision-related skills (CDV)

Centre for socio-emotional development (CDSE)

Centre Grand Duchess Maria Teresa for learning development (CDA)

Centre for motor development (CDM)

Centre for intellectual development (CDI)

Centre for children and young people with autism spectrum disorder (CTSA)

Centre for children and young people with high potential (CEJHP)

Find out about all our centres